If feels like only yesterday I was talking about 2017, and here I am in 2018 writing this!!
Anyway, 2017 was very good to me with my trading, and I made a lot of money trading in play but for 2018 things are going to be very different.
I won’t be trading in play at all, and I mean not even going to have a gamble I am going to be solely trading the horse racing markets pre off, and I am going to start with a small bank of only £100. Yes, that seems like a small amount, but it is something that I think most people reading this will be able to find.
£100 bank is small, and it will be hard at first to make the trades and get the money in the market as I will only be risking around 10% of my bank with any one trade. But in a no time at all with a bit of luck I should be able to build on it and let’s be honest I want to get into pre race horse trading on the right foot and not be tempted to go big in play again.
My Daily Trading Videos
The other thing I want to talk to you about is my daily trading videos.
I stopped publishing them on youtube because of all the hate comments and let’s be honest I was getting a lot of trolls telling me what I was doing was wrong and let’s be frank here going in play was a touch on the gambling side of trading which I did not want to do.
However I will start publishing my daily trading videos from February, and I will be publishing every single day again, win or lose. However I won’t be updating my profit and loss sheets as that really does not prove anything, and I had a few people say that mine were faked, so very much like Peter Webb, I won’t show these off.
I am excited to get back at trading and especially pre-race I am only really looking at making £100 a day as that is enough to keep me interested but with a small bank that is going to take some doing but hopefully by the time the summer comes around I should be right in the thick of it making some good profits.
I will be using bet angel, and although I have been busy I have had a few offers from other providers to try their software and to be honest I don’t see the point as I know and love bet angel.
Betfair Automation Bots
I will be running some of my bots in the background, but I won’t be building any new bots for 2018 I want to stay totally focused on pre race horse racing and doing it manually. It sounds silly, but I spent a lot of 2017 deep in the automation process where really I should have spent it working in my own style of manual horse race trading. I think I was trying to run before I could even crawl let alone walk.
This journey is still on and Iove everything about trading.
I won’t be spending any more than 3 hours a day trading, and I won’t be messing about I need to stay focused and any more than 3 hours and my brain will be fried.
Stick around for this journey and please do leave your comments and words of encouragement.
I will also be publishing articles on other aspects of gambling and talking about strategies and what not and trying to share some of my wisdom along the way but I am no means an expert in this I just have a long history of making a little bit of profit.
The biggest challenge for me will be not going “in play,” and if I can survive a month not going “in play” then I will be a happy man.
So that is an update on what I have planned, and so by the end of 2018 we should have around 300 trading videos for the year and with a bit of luck will be showing consistent profits.
Welcome back, Danny. I must say that I have missed your videos. I will follow your trading journey with great interest.
Thanks Janne :D
I have had a baby in October so have been spending time with her and generally refocusing my life :D I am still obsessed with trading but its time I got a bit smarter and put the hours in :D Glad you are enjoying the videos I like making them. Hopefully the haters will bugger off as well :D
hi Danny, i started trading around the same time as you, i’ve watched all your videos with great interest. forget the haters!!! These are the guys who are at trading on and off for years and don’t like when someone else is doing well in a short time!!! i’m still struggling to be honest but i’m sticking with it, i do pre race scalping and i still don’t have consistency but i think it takes a long time to get to know the markets. I don’t go in play cause i usually lose my shirt. of course i still struggle with discipline, if im losing pre race i have major problems not to go in play to make up loss!! you trade the way you want to trade, there are no rules in making money. I hope your doing well and keep up the good work.
Hi Jerry
Thanks for the comments :D I am still trading, plodding on but not posting a huge amount. I need to get my head in gear and focussed again :D
I will be getting more content up very soon.
Good luck with the future :D