The patent success racing system is guaranteed to produce some sort of return on your money almost every time. Ok I will admit that sometimes the returns are less than the stake money, but at other times your returns on a basic £14 bet will be well into three figures which do make me open my eyes a little more.

as you may gather from its name, this system is based around a specialty bet known as the Patent. in general we are not big fans of specialty bets, as they tend to offer poor value to the punter. The Patent is one exception to this, however used appropriately – as in the system described here it is a highly punter friendly bet.
A patent covers three selections in three different races. In its simplest form it comprises seven bets: three singles, three doubles and one treble/ If we refer to your selection as Horse A, B and C, the seven bets in a Patent are as follows:
Horse A, single
Horse B, single
Horse C, single
Horse A and Horse B, double
Horse A and Horse C, double
Horse B and Horse C, double
Horse A, Horse B and Horse C, treble
As you can see the Patent is a real belt and braces kinder bet. If all three horses win, you will have 7 winning bets in all, including three profit multiplying doubles and one treble. But even if only one horse does the business, you still get some return.
The Patent success racing system takes this one step further, however, you will actually be placing an ‘each way’ Patent. So, for example, as well as backing Horse A to win, you will also be backing him to achieve a place (at a quarter or fifth of the odds). An each-way Patent, therefore, involves 14 bets in total, and costs £14 to the recommended £1 unit stake.
If all three horses win, the Patent success system will deliver 14 winning bets for what should be a very tasty profit. But even if only one of your three selections achieves a place, you will still collect some return. If you hate losing then this horse racing system may be for you.
So that is the bet around which the Patent Success Racing system is designed. The other essential components are the selection and staking methods, so let us discuss each of those in turn.
Selection Method
To apply the Patent success system, you will need to find three selections per day. You can use any daily newspaper or online website that covers the daily horse racing. Use flat meetings only during the flat season (March – November) and National Hunt meetings only during the main jumps season (November to March). This system is not suitable for all weather racing.
With the days racing ahead of you proceed as follows:
1. Check first that there are at least three suitable meetings that day. If there are less than three, there is no bet. Assuming this is not the case, continue to the next step.
2. Eliminate any meetings where the going is predicted to be firm/hard or soft/heavy, as in such extreme conditions upsets are more common. If less than three meetings remain, again there is no bet.
3. Eliminate all amateur races, ladies races, apprentice races and any race with ‘novice’ in the title, as these races can be something of a lottery. Finally, eliminate any races with less than eight runners (eight is the minimum number of each way bets to out to three places).
4. Identify the highest rate horse in each remaining race. Rating figures usually appear at the far right of the race card.
5. Check the predicted SP (starting price) for each of the horses you identified in Step 4, eliminate any that are shorter of 10/11. If less than three horses remain, there is no bet that day. With precisely three, these are your system selections. With more three, continue as follows.
6. Eliminate any horses which have not run for more than 25 days, as they may not be in peak form. The number of days since the horses last run is shown by a figure directly after its name. If more than three selections remain, continue to the next step.
7. From all of the remaining horses, pick the three with the highest finishing positions in their last race (check the figure at the end of the form string 32F02). If there is still a tie, use the form in the last but one race as well to decide your selections.
In practice, once you are use to applying this system, it should only take a few minutes to arrive at your selections. Once you have your three horses, you’re almost there. All you have to do now is place your bet.
Working out the returns from a winning each way Patent is somewhat time-consuming, but you should nevertheless do it, as bookies can and do make mistakes.
As regards to staking , we suggest you begin by setting aside a betting bank containing an amount you can afford to lose in the worst case scenario and bet one-twentieth of this per day. If your starting bank is £280, therefore your first best will be $14 (as in the example).
once your initial bank has doubled in size, increase the total stake per bet to £21.
Continue to do this every time your betting bank doubles in size. This will help you ensure that your profits grow at an accelerating rate. While giving you an ever-increasing safety margin in the unlikely event trigger points,reduce your stakes again to the previous level.
The Patent Racing system should give you a return every time and if all 3 horses come in to win you should do very well and you should generate profits every month.
I think Round robin better bet more permutations for 3 horses for reasonable outlay better returns also