I am in Malaysia at the moment I am on a 5 week holiday in the sunshine to visit my Malaysian friends and basically to chill out.
But the reason why I am writing today is to explain to you is that I am trying to turn my online business to a hands off business. When I went away in 2009 I was having to check my emails at least once a day and I had to check my forums at least once day.
I was constantly worried about my sites going down and whether or not they are going to get hacked!!
This does not sound too bad but when you are on holiday and your meant to spend quality time with your girlfriend then having to sit in the hotel lobby on my own swearing at my laptop.
So on the lead up to this trip I have actually turned my business into an auto pilot machine!! I have my out sourcers working on my SEO I have moderators watching my forums and ensuring that they don’t get spammed and that everybody behaves.
I set up an autoresponder on my email to say I am on holiday and that I will repsond as soon as I can I have also changed my mind set into realising that nothing is more important than me.
My health has sucked for the last couple of years and I have to say its not getting much better the stress I was under and the constant worrying was not helping and you know what I don’t care about much these days… sounds odd I know but the less I worry the better I feel.
The thing is now that when I come back to the UK I am going to have a rake load of time to work on new projects and actually be more productive… who would have thought that stopping doing anything is actually quite productive.
Well that’s it for today I am about to head to the beach and practice for the skimboarding competition I have been entered into at the weekend.
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