I have been messing about with horse racing trading for about 18 months, and as a whole, I am up, and my bank is quite healthy. However, I feel like I am going backwards with my trading and it is frustrating me somewhat, and then that has a bad effect on my profit and loss as well, and so it continues.
One thing that I don’t like about the horse racing is that it is on during the day and in winter that is fine for me but as the days get warmer I want to be out on my motorbike and enjoying life down here by the seaside. My other business I set up I set it so that I could just bank the money and do very little else so the thought of having to spend the summers sat at my desk does not appeal to me at all.

Anyway, I have been messing about with the football, and I hate football as a sport, but it has made me good money in the past. However, I like the idea that it happens in the evening and I can do it while sitting having a beer and all through the night which is when I rather be sat at my desk.
On my quest to look for ways to make money trading football I have stumbled across Goal Profits, and I have to say I am liking what I am seeing. It looks pretty simple at first glance and to be frank I have not gone into too much detail yet, but I think Goal Profits has potential to be quite profitable. I have always been careful of subscription based courses and software but I think Goal Profits is going to be ok and at £37 a month it is worth a punt.
I have not looked too deeply into Goal Profits just yet, but when I do, I will keep you all updated on how I get on. However, for now, I am leaving the horse racing trading to those that can do it, and I am going to focus my efforts on something else for a few weeks just to clear my head and hopefully get rid of some of my terrible habits and have a fresh look at the horse markets again in the very near future.
If any of you have had a look at Goal Profits in the past, please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I am keen to see if Goal Profits can live up to the hype that is all over the net about them. Goal
That is a little update of where I am at for the moment. I will let you all know how I get on and where I am headed but for now, I am taking a step back, but with a bit of mug luck, I will be back in the game very soon ready to take some profits.
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