Today i spent the day on my motorcycle travelling up the motorway to my home town and so I left my Betfair greyhound bot to do its thing and also the horses Betfair bot to do its thing also.

As you can see the greyhound automation bot did really well today but still losing a little too often but still profitable over the 119 races. If I could take away half of the losses I would be very very happy.
However with the dogs it is a numbers game so we will sit and see what it looks like at the end of the week but so far so good.
However my Betfair horse racing bot has not done so well today and let’s be honest Monday’s is donkey days at the races so I am hardly surprised to be fair. Although todaycwas it’s first losing day since I created this automation bot so I am not complaining and we are still up on the rolling 7 days so not too bad overall.
I will set the bot off to run again tomorrow and hopefully we will have a better day.
The updates and screenshots will be done on my phone for the next couple of weeks because I am away from the office so you will need to just deal with that.
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